Synchrony Airway Clearance System Prototype Helps Save Patient’s Life
Patient Survival Story presented at the North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference (NACFC)
Start-up developed in tandem with Sheba Medical Center pulmonologists
Or Yehuda, Israel and Philadelphia, PA, November 7, 2022 — Synchrony Medical’s LibAirty, helped save the life of a 38-year-old patient who traveled from Israel to the U.S., where she waited for 6 months to receive a double organ transplant in August 2020. LibAirty is a new airway clearance technology developed and piloted at Sheba Medical Center near Tel Aviv and designed to enable high quality respiratory therapy at the patient’s home.
Dr. Moshe Ashkenazi presenting at NACFC
This patient’s success story was the subject of a presentation at the 2022 North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference titled A Novel Airway Clearance Device as a Bridge to Double Organ Transplantation delivered by Dr. Moshe Ashkenazi, MD, MBA, co-founder of Synchrony Medical and Deputy Director at Edmond and Lily Safra’s Children’s Hospital within Sheba Medical Center.
“LibAirty helped save my life.” Ayelet S.
Ayelet S, an adult Cystic Fibrosis patient who had had this condition since birth, started to dramatically deteriorate and was referred for a lung and liver transplant in the US.
A crucial part of her continuous routine care throughout her life was daily airway clearance, which was aided by the same respiratory therapist during the five years leading up to the double transplant referral.
When the time came to travel, there was concern regarding how she would survive without ongoing therapy by her respiratory therapist for what would ultimately be a six-month waiting period in the US until a matching donor was found.
The risk was significant as Ayelet had quickly deteriorated in the past when adequate airway clearance therapy was not received for several days. There was also concern based on a previous experience with another patient who had traveled abroad for a transplant and did not survive the waiting period.
To increase Ayelet’s chances of survival, she received a prototype of the LibAirty Airway Clearance System, which implements a unique treatment approach based on similar techniques she had regularly performed with her respiratory therapist. LibAirty enabled Ayelet to maintain her routine treatment during this waiting period.
The system functioned well and survived the waiting period and received the double transplant.
“Synchrony’s LibAirty demonstrated high performance in one of the most challenging patients with CF and end stage lung disease,” said Dr. Ashkenazi. “Ayelet is alive and well today. We are very proud to have been there for her when she needed this support the most and now know that LibAirty has the potential to help the millions of patients who need airway clearance.”
About Synchrony Medical
Synchrony Medical, a MEDX Xelerator portfolio company, is developing LibAirty, a next generation, home-use, airway clearance system designed to help patients with chronic lung disease maintain clear lungs with a short, daily, proficient treatment.
MEDX Xelerator is a leading medical device and digital health-focused incubator operating under the auspices of the Israel Innovation Authority. Current partners and collaborators include: Boston Scientific, Sheba Medical Center, MEDX Venture Group, Consensus Business Group (CBG), West Pharmaceuticals and The Portland Trust.
For more information, please visit, https://synchrony-medical.com/
To interview Dr. Ashkenazi, the CEO of Synchrony, or the patient noted above, please reach out to:
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